How A Simple Breathing Exercise Can Improve Your Mood And Lung Health

It’s good to have some activity where we can get some air going to our lungs. It could be in a form of exercise like brisk walking or jogging. This is true especially when we feel down or depressed. In order to have a clear mind, we need to make sure we get some oxygen in our system.

We are in a pandemic and mostly advised to wear a mask. Wearing a mask definitely helps to prevent us from inhaling anything that can make us sick, but we also need to make sure we give our body the fresh and sanitary air that it needs.

Now, how do you know if your lungs are healthy? It’s good to know especially during this time when it’s easy to have respiratory illness. Let’s do some breathing exercises to find out.

If you can perform this simple deep breathing exercise without any problem you know you have healthy lungs. We know that our body needs oxygen and it has to get rid of carbon dioxide. This process takes place in our alveoli.

The alveoli are the tiny air sacs at the end of the bronchioles (tiny branches of air tubes in the lungs). That is where the lungs and the blood exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide during the process of breathing in and breathing out.

I’d like you to remember 3 things from this podcast today:

  1. If you are happy, breathe…
  2. If you are sad, breathe…
  3. If you are scared, breathe…

May this simple deep breathing exercise help you to achieve clarity of mind and serve as a catalyst to energize your spirit to move forward and be a channel of peace and love, despite the chaos and hatred in the world today.

NUMA – Los Angeles Detox and Rehab
Phone: +13105983910
826 Mariposa Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90029

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My name is Jiji Chai.
Welcome to my nook! It’s a place where you can join me to journey through life and learn from its lessons. Together we can grow and find Complete Health and Inspiration.
